Want to have a company lunch after the online meeting? Shared meals have a community-building effect, no question about it! With a little creativity, you can spice up your online end-of-year meetings and presentations and give them a theme! All without compromising the content in the slightest.

Snacks in logoed packaging

Treat your team to a nice personal message and a snack to sweeten their day! We make it and nationwide home delivery is no problem!

Lunch, dinner, drinks package delivery

Everything you need for the perfect time together online! We know how much it means to create the same experience with uniform packages for all colleagues involved! If you want to have a three-course meal with your team online but everyone is working from another city, look no further! Our team will deliver the prepared meals to your door in uniform packaging! Party service has never been so personalised! We cater to special dining needs and guarantee that everyone gets their beautifully packaged food on time. And if you like, you can even get a company Christmas gift in the package!